Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Open Letter to the sweet lady at Kohls

Dear Kind-Hearted Lady,

What a blessing you were to me today!  Thank you so much for making my week.  When you asked me about my baby boy, that was enough; but you went above and beyond in your kindness. 

For you today I'm Grateful!

Thanks Again,

The Pregnant Lady

Chatting with me and cheering me up by reminding me how fortunate I am to be married to such an amazing, strong man--again that was enough! 

But you shared with me that you would pray for me and my growing family and that you and your family haven't forgotten our soldier's or their families and how you could never imagine the sacrifice that we are willing to give.  At this point, my cup was running over- and wow you had given me a huge smile and a warm heart and that was enough!

You bid me farewell and I glanced at one more aisle before heading to pay for my purchases.  And you kind miss, had not had enough!  You took out your pocket book to pay for your purchases and also grabbed a gift card.  Then you waited. 

I was checking out and behind me I get a tap on my shoulder.

"For Me?!"

"Yes dear, get something for that sweet baby, and let your husband know when you talk to him again, that we haven't forgotten about him, tell him to be safe."

exit kind lady.........

.........enter tears from the pregnant lady

Thanks Again Kind Lady, I hope you receive a random act of kindness, even though I know you aren't expecting one in return.  God Bless you!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nursery Update

So BabyMG's nursery is slowly coming together, here's a sneak peak:

This rocking chair is about 30 years old, give or take a few months.  You see the week that my Grandparents found out that my Mom was pregnant with me, my Da insisted that their first purchase be a suitable rocking chair.  They had to have a rocking chair to rock the first grandchild in, and every grandchild after that.  This rocking chair has been in my Ma's living room since my Da brought it home, and when Anthony and I got married my Ma shared the news with me that it was to be mine for our first child.  How excited I was driving home with this in my truck last weekend.

I knew when I was picking out our nursery furniture that I would be looking for something that specifically went with this rocker.  And I think we are doing good so far.  The pillow and rug are part of the collection that we will decorate BabyMG's nursery with, it all matches and is from IKEA, full of bright cheerful little animals.

So there's your sneak peak.  Only 109 days until we put up the crib :-)

Sunday, January 16, 2011


A few things were needed to complete BabyMG's nursery, and it just so happened that those few things could only be purchased at IKEA.  So a road trip was in order.  My friend Sarah graciously volun-told her mom she was taking us, and I asked my Aunt Beth to join in on the road trip too! 

Here we were, two pregnant ladies accompanied by two Ikea-Virgins, trekking up to Ohio.  Sarah's dad fixed a delicious breakfast, I totally ate 'for two.'  After some of us took a required pregnant lady potty break, we were on the road.

IKEA is amazing, for those of you who have been there before, you know, it's an all day shopping trip.  And you have to have a list or you can quickly spend your rent money!  We toured the sales floor, and jotted down all kinds of weirdly spelled item names and where we could locate our goodies. 

We gathered up our goods and proceeded to pay.....I might have gone a bit over budget, but wait until you see BabyMG's nursery!  We couldn't have fit one more thing in the back of MariBeth's SUV, but that's what IKEA trips are all about right?

We stopped to fill our belly's at Big Boy, that was an awesome idea!!!  I'm so glad I got to go on this little road trip, it was exactly what I needed.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy Birthday BabyDaddy!!!!

Happy Birthday Anthony! We love you, we miss you bunches and bunches.  We hope you have as awesome of a birthday as possible, we hear you got a little bit of snow for your birthday.  We know that's know what you wished for, but don't worry we can all have our birthday wishes soon!

Here's to you Baby's Daddy!  Next Birthday there will be a HUGE party, and your son might even help you finish off your birthday cake :-)

Stay warm over there in the desert, we are all thinking of you and praying for your safe and soon return!


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tummy Thursdays.......Week 23

Had a Mid-Wife visit today and I'm totally in love with my midwife practice, I'm so glad we made the switch, even if it is late in the game!  I know that we are going to have the best most loving care ever when BabyMG comes into this world.

He measured a week ahead according to my uterus, like I wasn't expecting that :-)