Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Almost Wordless Wednesday.......2100 Letters for Lyrics

Zac Brown Band sponsors a program called Letters for Lyrics, they encourage their concert go-ers to write letters to deployed service members and in exchange they give them a free CD.  I volunteered to help collect these letters at their concert tonight in Nashville.  What an uplifting experience to see complete strangers stop and take the time to write a note of encouragement to a soldier.

If you want to get in on the fun letter writing:

You get to stop counting birthdays.....

Once you become a grandma!!!!  So here's to your last one Mama!!!

We love you!  Hope you enjoyed your Chinese food, sorry we weren't there to share it with you!

One of my favorite photos from our wedding!!!  Someone must've have been excited :-P

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sebastian Christmas

After the Sebastian Family Christmas at home with Mom Dad Abby and Allie, we headed to Frankfort to my Aunt Beth's cute little pink house.  We joined the rest of the crazy Sebastian clan for Christmas festivities!  After eating a delicious (as always!) Christmas lunch we popped Christmas cracker, donned our paper crowns, and then let the present opening commence!

Our poor little Ma, she had a fight with the concrete and lost.  She compound fractured her arm and had to rushed to the hospital the Saturday before Christmas.  She is doing ok, extra prayer are always appreciated though!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas MG/Tony/BabysDaddy/Big Brother!!!

We got just enough snow to call it a white Christmas, but what we really wished for was your safe return home to us!  We all Love you!!!!

Merry Christmas!!

Allen family Christmas

I wish I hadn't been so hungry, and had taken some photos of our delicious Hunan dinner we had!

It was the best Hunan I've ever eaten.  I did however, get a couple photos of the sacred mashed potato preparations!  My dear sweet Granny Bessie, makes the absolute best mashed potatoes in the world.  If you've had them you would of course already know this!  It's a delicate art, I'm still trying to learn.  She's been a little under the weather the past few months, so I eagerly stepped in to help prepare those yummy taters!  She taught Anthony how to make them last year, and this year I was excited to lend a hand in the kitchen!

We drew names this year, and of course, we should've done that years ago.  It was wonderful, much less stressful for all family members involved! 

Pictures of our good times:

My sister, Abby and her boyfriend Branden.  Aren't the adorable?

Allie and her fur-sisters, Roxie and Lizzie.  Also Adorable!

Granny with her four grand daughters!

And Granny with her oldest granddaughter and soon to be great-grandSON!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Pregnancy Mush Brain aka PMB

This is what happened this morning. Ahhhhh I thought my butt had doubled in size overnight because I had trouble getting into my britches.


Sory for the crappy photo quality, iPhone is only good for certain photos apparently, and this isn't one of those things!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tummy Thursdays.....19 weeks

Ghetto Grilled Cheese

Lately for dinner in the evening, I have been wanting chili with PB & Honey (ala Elementary School) or a bowl of some other soup with a grilled cheese.

This is what happens when you don't want to go to the grocery store but the baby and you both want a grilled cheese with the alphabet vegetable soup!

 Hahaha!  Yes, I know that's ghetto, but it was actually very tasty.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

Healthtrust Holiday Party

This was the first one I actually got to attend since I've worked for HCA, and it just so happens that I couldn't even use my drink tickets!

My Co-worker, Amy, and I did take advantage of the professional photographer there though!

Aren't we the hottest Healthtrust Mommies You've Ever Seen?

She's due just two weeks after me, it's surprising how many of my friends are pregnant right now.

Hopefully all my preggers friends and I can get photos like this sometime soon!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Time to VOTE!!!!!!

Who, What, Where, When and How Long?

So just click on the linky link above and enter BabyMG as the game name and make you best guesstimate!

We will know the sex in a matter of days *fingers crossed*

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree

.....or the artificial douglas fir tree!

Our Christmas tree is up, and I didn't know exactly how I wanted to show support for Anthony and his fellow deployed soldiers.  I quickly figured it out though, and tied nearly "a hundred yellow ribbons round the old oak tree"

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tummy Thursdays.....17 weeks

I'm such a lucky lady!

My amazing Army family came to the rescue once again!  I thought for my birthday was going to be a sad day without my hubby.  Little did I know he had been planning with my friends for quite some time.

At work they tricked Mrs. Martha and I into thinking we were having a real meeting and then shared cupcakes and balloons with us.  I got some beautiful flowers, an adorable teddy bear (which was really for Baby MG I'm sure!) and some balloons.

What a lucky lady I am indeed!