Friday, November 26, 2010

And we give thanks!

Half my Army family came home with me for Thanksgiving.  It was good to be surrounded by such awesome friends and family.  I knew it was going to be hard without Anthony there, and I almost lost it during the lunch blessing....but besides that we had an awesome weekend.  There were a few people who really missed Anthony, who am I kidding, we ALL missed him.  Some showed it a little more artistically:

I reminenced of holidays past, and thought of all the wonderful people who have joined my family at one point or the other.  I find that I always rest so well at my Ma's house, maybe it's because it smells so good there, like Ma's house.  Trust me, if you've been there you can readily identify this scent! 

This weekend we were joined by our newest Army family member, Raegan Anne.  She is an absolute doll baby, everyone passed her around and she smiled continuously at everyone, warming hearts with her gummy grin.  It was great to have her and her awesome Mommy along for a little Black Friday shopping, we didn't shop til we dropped.  We barely even made it out of the house before noon!  But still some great deals were to be had and lunch with my cousin and his girlfriend at Red Robin was very enjoyable!

Overall, I am very thankful to have great friends and family and we were all thankful for our special soldiers who are spending the holidays overseas protecting our freedoms.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's hard to watch that bus roll away with half of your everything on it....

So my soldier as well as numerous other soldiers headed to Afghanistan this weekend.  It was a very chaotic day, and I'm glad my red headed sister didn't beat up a gate officer, nor did I break down and try to throw myself in front of the bus carrying my soldier away from me for a year.

This is Anthony's third deployment, but it is our first deployment together.  He and I both knew that this one was going to be extra difficult.  Not just because we are going to be thousands of miles apart, but because there are numerous people who are going to be missing him and worrying about him right along with me, including Baby MG!

My sisters and Mom made awesome homemade pride shirts.  They were awesome!  I was so impressed, and I think deep down Anthony was too!

We started the morning at where else but IHOP?  My husband LOVES some IHOP!!!

Then it was off to Fort Campbell, the drive there seemed like it took 5 minutes instead of the usual hour and five minutes.  The soldiers had to line up a bunch of times, do a roll call about five or six times, and the flight got delayed, so command gave us the extra few hours to spend with our families.  What a great decision for who ever makes the decision, we got to have dinner with a big group before the soldiers had to say their final "I'll see ya's"

And finally the difficult one: