Saturday, October 16, 2010

All moved in

We have some incredible friends and family.

First, I'm still a Daddy's Dad is amazing, he came down cooked delicious food for us and packed almost everything up and then helped us move and then proceeded to unpack and help organize everything.  Did I mention he cooked? and cleaned?? and did LAUNDRY???

We would still be unpacking boxes when the baby gets here if it weren't for him.

ohhh and our friends?  Who got up early on a Saturday, and some even worked a full early morning shift AND then came to help move.  And packed everything up in the back of three pickups and our trailblazer, made the long haul to Brentwood and then help unpack and get everything settled.

I'm overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of our friends, even though in the end it means having to drive an hour to see me during deployment, they still rolled up their sleeves and pitched in.

Daddy, Amid, Christina, Josh, Cindy, Jayda and Dre we LOVE you all!!  Thanks for all your manual labor and sweating. :-p

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Almost Wordless Wednesday-- Fall Work Day at Ma's

Why yes that is my husband on the roof of my Ma's house cleaning out the gutters!

and yes he did want to jump from the roof to get down while screamin' "Airborne!!!" but my Dad stopped him!  (thank goodness)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Celebration of Cultures

Today we had a great time with our "kids" (borrowed, and we already gave them back!)

We went to Nashville with granpappy (my Dad), Jayda and DeAndre in tow.

It was a whole lot of fun and a perfect day to be at the park enjoying all the culture.

We painted a bit

We learned how to play the drums.  Jayda was quite impressive mimicking the beats that the leader would play.  And Dre was quick to multi-task, by playing both the drum and the tambourine.

and took in the scenery after enjoying some shaved ice, can you guess who had the blue one and who had the red one?

And then we slept all the way home, even through the car wash!  Gotta love worn out kids!!